How to Get 1,000 Subscribers on YouTube (Fast and Free)

Gaining 1,000 subscribers on YouTube just got easier. Here's how to attract viewers and encourage them to subscribe in 12 powerful steps.

If you’re like most creators, you have a goal to get more YouTube subscribers and monetize your channel. You want to attract real viewers, make them fans, and earn lots of money from the video ads on your channel. The only question is, "How?"

First, you will need many subscribers to get paid on YouTube — 1,000 to be exact. Reaching this goal (plus 4,000 watch hours) allows you to join the YouTube Partner Program and monetize your videos with ads.

Ready to get started? The good news is, with this guide, you'll never have to buy 1,000 YouTube subscribers to meet your goals.

Instead, we'll show you how to get 1,000 free YouTube subscribers!

1. Break Your 1,000-Subscriber Goal Into Small Chunks

First, here's a bit of raw honesty: Trying to collect a thousand of anything is hard. You know it’s going to take a long time, but you don’t know exactly how long. And that is nerve-wracking.

So, chop the goal into manageable chunks. Instead of saying you want 1,000 YouTube subscribers right now, tell yourself that you want to gain:

  • 100 subscribers by March
  • 250 subscribers by June
  • 500 subscribers by August
  • 750 subscribers by October
  • 1,000 subscribers by December

After all, it's less scary (and more encouraging) to go after smaller, realistic goals.

2. Create Videos for One Target Audience

It's important to focus on one target audience when you're chasing the 1,000-subscriber mark on YouTube. By honing in on a specific niche, you'll craft content that deeply resonates with like-minded viewers.

Let's say you're aiming at fitness enthusiasts; instead of broad workout videos, delve into niche topics like "HIIT workouts for beginners." This tailored approach will attract viewers who are genuinely interested in your content. They will engage, share, and crucially, subscribe!

It's hard to stand out as a creator, but you'll gain more subscribers on YouTube when you focus your efforts.

3. Create the Kinds of Content People Love

There are many YouTube video ideas online, but it's difficult to know which ones will connect with your viewers.

But there's good news: Regardless of your channel type, these four types of videos never go out of style:

  1. Reaction videos
  2. How-to videos
  3. Versus videos
  4. Listicle videos

Reaction videos are highly entertaining on YouTube. People love seeing someone react to funny or dramatic events, so those videos will always be popular online.

Versus videos are appealing because everyone loves a hot debate: Samsung Galaxy or iPhone? Cats or dogs? LeBron James or Michael Jordan?

The other video types — how-to and listicles â€” answer questions people never stop asking. A how-to video could be titled "How to Negotiate a $10,000 Pay Raise." Meanwhile, a list video might be "30 Cheap Meal Plan Ideas to Save Money."

4. Identify Which Videos Attract the Most Subscribers

If you have 30 or more videos on your channel, why not see which ones attracted the most subscribers? The proper term for this metric is called subscribers gained, and you can find it in the YouTube Studio.

Here's how to navigate there:

1. Go to the YouTube Studio.

2. Click Analytics in the left navigation menu.

3. Click See More, which is below the YouTube dashboard showing monthly views, subscribers, revenue, and watch time.

4. Select Subscribers Gained in the first filter box.

5. See which videos attracted the most subscribers. Make similar content to get more subscribers on YouTube!

5. Do a YouTube Collab to Reach New Viewers

Creators put a lot of work into video collaborations. They search for like-minded partners, brainstorm collab ideas, and film several videos together. But after all that hard work, the two creators earn a priceless reward. They get to share their overlapping audiences and speed toward 1,000 subs on YouTube.

Here's how it works. In collab videos, new viewers will discover creator A and creator B for the first time. If things go well, some of these new viewers may become subscribers for both creators!

So, if you're serious about growing, it's time to collaborate on YouTube. Here are six tips to nail your first collaboration.

6. Take YouTube Keywords, Thumbnails, and Video Titles Seriously

You'll need custom thumbnails, relevant keywords, and engaging video titles to get 1,000 subscribers on YouTube fast. These are the first touchpoints viewers have with your content, so make them count!

A compelling thumbnail grabs attention, while a well-optimized title, infused with relevant keywords, ensures your video surfaces in search results.

Imagine a viewer searching for "vegan recipes." If your video title is "Delicious Vegan Pasta Recipe" and is backed by keyword research, it's more likely to appear in their search. Pair that with an enticing thumbnail showcasing the mouth-watering dish, and you've got a click!

7. Promote Your YouTube Channel

To get people to subscribe to your channel, dedicate some time to promoting your videos to a wider audience. You have various options to do this, like posting on the YouTube Community tab, making playlists, and sharing on social media.

But that's just a small taste of what you can do. You can also:

  • Add YouTube cards and end screens in your videos to promote extra content.
  • Comment on other YouTube videos within your niche.
  • Host YouTube livestreams.
  • Add hashtags to your videos.

Want a full guide? Here's how to promote your YouTube channel to get more subscribers.

8. Create Videos That Deliver on Their Promise

Did you know that every YouTube video makes a subtle promise?

  1. The title tells you what to expect from the video.
  2. The thumbnail is an emotional snapshot of the story.
  3. The video description supports the title and thumbnail.

Everything works together to give the viewer an expectation.

If a video doesn’t live up to the hype, it means you broke the initial promise you made to viewers. And on YouTube, 1,000 subscribers are hard to come by if you let people down!

To avoid this pitfall, create a value proposition for your channel, such as "tasty meals for every budget" or "high school math made easy." Make videos that align with your slogan, and you'll get your first 1,000 subscribers on YouTube in no time.

9. Add a YouTube Subscribe Button to Your Videos

Want an easy way to get 1,000 subscribers on YouTube? Create an attractive subscribe button for your videos!

These little buttons are clickable and appear in the lower right corner of your YouTube videos. When viewers click on them (also known as video watermarks), they instantly become a subscriber to your channel!

10. Place a YouTube Subscribe Link in Video Descriptions

The description box is more than a holding place for your video's about section. You can also add links there, such as affiliate links, website links, and your social media profiles. More importantly, pasting in a subscribe link lets viewers join your community in just a few taps!

To create a subscription link, simply add "?sub_confirmation=1" to the end of your channel's URL.

11. Never Stop Posting New Videos

Many creators secretly wonder, How hard is it to get 1,000 subscribers on YouTube? It's pretty tough, but not impossible when you're posting videos consistently. By crafting good videos often, you can influence the YouTube algorithm and grow your audience.

Here's how to maintain a regular posting schedule and boost the number of subscribers on your channel.

12. Ask Viewers to Subscribe to Your Channel

Finally, it never hurts to ask viewers to tap that big, white button and join your community! Use a clear call-to-action near the middle or end of your videos, sincerely asking viewers to subscribe. You can even use a YouTube end screen to place a subscribe button on the last few frames of your video.

Getting 1,000 Subs: A Quick FAQ

Growing your subscriber base isn't easy, so we know you have lots of questions! This FAQ will answer the biggest ones.

What happens when you reach 1,000 subscribers on YouTube?

Having 1,000 subscribers makes you eligible for the YouTube Partner Program so you can make money from ads and fan support. The other requirement is getting 4,000 hours of watch time or 10 million public Shorts views in 90 days.

How do you get monetized on YouTube without 1,000 subscribers?

Good news! You don't need 1,000 subscribers on YouTube to get paid. You can monetize your channel through fan-funding tools like Super Chats, Channel Memberships, and Super Thanks. You'll just need 500 subscribers plus 3,000 watch hours to unlock these perks.

Can I monetize YouTube Shorts without 1,000 subscribers?

YouTube requires you to have 1,000 subscribers and be in the YouTube Partner Program before earning ad revenue on Shorts. But technically, you can monetize Shorts with just 500 subscribers through fan-funding tools, such as Super Thanks. You can also earn money from affiliate marketing, product sales, and other income streams.

How do you livestream on YouTube without 1,000 subscribers?

You can bypass this rule by going live from a desktop computer. YouTube only requires you to have 1,000 subscribers when you're livestreaming from a mobile device.